Starting a SHINE Branch
Step 1: Determine if there is an existing branch near you!
View a comprehensive map of all SHINE locations at
Step 2: Let us know that you would like to start a branch!
Please fill out the “Start a SHINE Branch” Form below and a member of our team will reach out to you!
Step 3: Complete the follow-up phone call.
Upon receiving your inquiry, a Regional Director will contact you to review the Start a Branch process, and answer any questions you may have!
Step 4: Host your first SHINE program!
With the help of your Regional Director, you will begin in the recruiting process to start your very first SHINE for Girls program.
Step 5: Maintain a relationship with your Regional Director!
Through your feedback and experience, you will be able to help SHINE grow and improve with each program, branch, and girl you impact.
Check out our printable PDF of "How to Start a SHINE Branch"!
Starting a SHINE Site
Is there already a SHINE Branch existing in your area? Follow these steps to start a SHINE site at a location near you!
Step 1: Find your local SHINE Branch Director.
Emails for each SHINE Branch Director can be found on their individual webpages at
Step 2: Contact us via email!
Please reach out to your Branch Director to let us know you are interested in creating a new SHINE site in your area.
Step 3: Receive approval from site administration.
School principals, community center directors, or dance studio owners can be an example of a site administrator.
Step 4: Determine dates and times for the program.
To see a description of our program formats, please see our website at
Step 5: Recruit students and mentors for the program.
Utilize SHINE resources, such as flyers and email formats, to begin seamlessly running your SHINE For Girls site!
Step 6: Gather materials, and SHINE!
With the help of Branch and Regional Directors, you will be given
necessary recoursces and materials to run your first SHINE program!
Check out our printable PDF of "How to Start a SHINE Site"!